
Most popular UK shares

Investing in individual shares carries more risk than other asset classes. However, shares also potentially offer higher returns.

Remember, the value of investments can fall as well as rise and you could get back less than you invest. If you’re not sure about investing, seek independent advice.

The details of our most popular UK listed shares are updated weekly, using the number of purchase and sales deals placed by our Smart Investor customers during the previous week.

You may be interested to see what other customers have done; however this may have limited value in making a decision on the investments that are most suitable for you. This is not a personal recommendation and should not be seen as independent advice.

Investing in individual shares carries more risk than other asset classes due to the various factors which can affect the value of your investment, such as overall market sentiment and the fortunes of the underlying company. However, shares also potentially offer higher returns.

You should remember the investment goals you have set and consider if an investment helps you build a diversified and balanced portfolio.

To find out more about any of these investments, please click on the name of the share you are interested in below, and it will take you directly to the factsheet.

The factsheet contains important information you should understand, including the risks relevant to the investment, and gives you access to all the key documents related to the share.

Investing in international markets

Investing in international markets could offer a number of benefits including greater diversification and gaining access to sectors that may be under-represented in the UK markets.

If you’re interested in investing internationally, you can find details of our most popular international shares.

Top 10 most dealt shares: 28 June - 04 July

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Tax rules can change and their effects on you will depend on your individual circumstances.

Research Centre

For help with your individual share selections use our tools that allow you to research UK market indexes and daily share movements. You can look up information about historic share price as well as share performance statistics and related shares by sector. You can also find expert views from brokers and analysts, plus company information and news.

Investment ISA

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You can also transfer an existing ISA1to benefit from our award-winning ISA service.2

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