Manage your account
Look after your card and change your personal details

View your PIN

Tell us your card’s been lost or stolen

Manage your card

My card’s not working

Edit your personal details

Tell us your address has changed

Statements and documents

Video banking


Verify yourself with app ID

Make a complaint online

Stay in control
Choose how we contact you and how we share your data with third parties – just tap ‘Settings’ and go to your Privacy Hub.1

See when regular payments are due
Use the Calendar in your Barclays app to keep track of regular payment dates.1

Learn more about your money
Discover smarter ways to manage your money with our handy in-app Insights – they’re nudges, tips and tools we think you’ll find useful. Because they’re personalised, you’ll only get them when they’re relevant to you.1

Chat to us securely in your app
Select ‘Live chat’ to talk with us and fast-track through security.1

Keep track of your cash with notifications.
Stay on top of your money and set up notifications in your app – they’re a great way to keep on top of your finances.1

Link accounts from other banks
You can now see the balances and transactions of your other bank accounts in the Barclays app.1

More about your transactions
Your Barclays app can tell you more about your transactions than just how much you paid. Tap a transaction to find out where and when you’ve spent your money.1