The Barclays app
Join 10 million Barclays customers using our app2
Use your phone or tablet to manage your accounts, send money and earn rewards
See what you can do online and with our app
Use Online Banking to make changes to your mortgage and see the important details in the Barclays app.
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.
Want to register now?
When you register to manage your mortgage online and in our app, rest assured that you’re covered by our Online and Mobile Banking Guarantee. Our app is available for Android and Apple devices.
Forgotten your log-in details?
Please call us any time1on 0345 600 2323 to get a reminder if you only have a mortgage with us. If you also have a Barclays current or saving account, you can get a log-in reminder on our Online Banking log-in page.
You don’t have to bank with us to manage your mortgage online. Once registered, you can check your mortgage details any time and even make some changes through Online Banking. But if you do bank with us, then you can earn rewards for having your mortgage with us. Join Barclays Blue Rewards through Online Banking or our app to start earning £3 every month you remain eligible.
Make mortgage changes
The changes you can make to your mortgage in Online Banking depend on the type of mortgage you have.
View it online
Once you’ve registered, you can check up on all the important details of your mortgage online or on your smartphone.
Join 10 million Barclays customers using our app2
Use your phone or tablet to manage your accounts, send money and earn rewards
Bank from your browser
Prefer to do your banking on a bigger screen? We’ve been improving Online Banking to make it even easier to use.
You can call us on Monday to Friday from 7am to 8pm, and on Saturday and Sunday from 7am to 5pm.
0333 202 7580