Barclays One UK
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We’re about to make some changes to Online Banking that could affect the way you log in. If you log in using a passcode and memorable word, you’ll sometimes need to take one more step to confirm it’s you. We’re doing this to fit in with new guidance from our regulator. You can choose either.
Your card’s security code
Enter the three-digit security number from the back of your card. If you don’t have a card, you can order a new one.
A code we’ll send you by text
Ask us to send a code to your mobile, which you’ll need to enter into the online verification screen.
It’s important we have the right UK mobile number for you or anyone named on your current account. You can easily check via Online Banking or by calling the number on the back of your card.
If you usually log in with a PINSentry card reader or mobile PINSentry, you won’t need to complete any extra security steps.
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